Sri Krishna Deva Raya

Sri Krishna Deva Raya, ruling from 1509-1529 AD, was the celebrated monarch of the Vijayanagara Empire, admired by both Kannadigas and Telugu speakers. Born to Nagala Devi and Tuluva Narasa Nayaka, a military chief under Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya, he ascended the throne to prevent the empire's decline, marking a significant period in South Indian history.

The king had a cheerful disposition but was prone to fits of anger and was ruthless in maintaining the law. He maintained himself to a high level of physical fitness through daily exercises. Travelogues indicate that the king was not only an able administrator, but also an excellent General, leading from the front in battle and even attending to the wounded. He was reputed to be respectful to Foreign Visitors, The able Prime Minister Timmarasu, who was regarded by the king as a father figure, was responsible for the coronation of Krishna Deva Raya. After a 21-year glorious rule from 1509-1529AD, Krishnadevaraya left behind a rich legacy of artifacts, treasury troves, temples, palaces, exquisite monuments and the royal city that was declared in 1986 a world heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Vijayanagar in Sanskrit means city of victory. Dom Francisco Paes was a Portuguese traveler who visited the Vijayanagar Empire in the early 16th century. His accounts provide detailed descriptions of the empire's grandeur, including its capital, administration, social practices, and the wealth and power of its ruler, Krishnadevaraya. Paes' writings are crucial historical sources that offer insight into the life and times of one of India's greatest medieval empires. Paes could estimate the size of Vijayanagar as large as Rome, and he considered Vijayanagar to be “the best provided city in the world”; with a population of around half a million.

The Emblem of Krishnadevaraya was designed with “Varaha” – the boar an Avatara of Vishnu. Krishnadeva Raya was well-versed in Raja Neeti and followed the age-old traditional teachings of great historians such as Manu, Kautilya, Sukra, Vidura, and Bhishma. Vijayanagar Empire embraced in its ample fold all of the present states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala and even extended into the Utkal region of Orissa. The official languages of the court were Kannada and Telugu.

Krishnadeva Raya divided the entire Empire into several administrative divisions. While Rayala Seema - Bellary and Karnool regions - was looked after by the Emperor himself, other major parts of the empire were under many Feudal has been the practice introduced by Tuluva Kings. The feudatories built forts around their capitals. Temples were built and knowledgeable Brahmins were made in charge of these temples.

The empire had a Central Government, guided by a group of Ministers, headed by Saluva Thimmarasu. The King paid considerable attention to civil administration. The executive authority was entrusted with the local or the communal institutions. The King and his ministers were supervising them.

The King maintained a large and powerful army consisting of elephant corps, cavalry and infantry. The Nayaks of the military were assigned to certain areas for administration and collection of taxes.

There were roughly about two hundred such Nayakas. There were regular military schools to train young and new recruits. Maintenance of forts was also the duty of the Nayakas. Vijayanagara city itself was well fortified with seven rounds of ramparts, with circuitous approaches to protect them from strangers. Army also maintained a group of musicians like trumpeters and drummers. There was social harmony in the army and even the low caste men were promoted to that of a Nayaka. Keladi Sadashiva Nayaka was one such person. The Empire had a navy with several ports under its command, including some in Ceylon – SriLanka.

The Portuguese Chronicler Domingo Paes praises Krishna Deva Raya as, “the most feared and perfect King, a great ruler and a man of much justice”. Though a follower of Vaishnavism, he respected all sects. Paes sarcastically summarizes the king's attitude to matters of law and order by quoting that “The king maintains the law by killing”; Offences against property and theft ranged from cutting of a foot and hand and beheading for murder. With the active cooperation of Saluva Thimmarasu he administered the Kingdom well, maintained peace in the land and increased the prosperity of the people.

He believed the King should always rule with an eye towards Dharma. His concern for the welfare of the people is amply proved by his extensive tours throughout the empire, during which he studied everything personally and tried to redress the grievances of the people and to punish the evildoers.

Krishnadevaraya established friendly relations with the Portuguese, who set up the Portuguese Dominion of India in Goa, in 1510. The emperor obtained guns and Arabian horses from the Portuguese merchants. He also utilized Portuguese expertise in improving water supply to Vijayanagar City.

Madurai came under the control of the Vijayanagar kingdom in the 15th and 16th centuries. Nayaks of Nayak Dynasty were rulers, from 1559 until 1736, of the region comprising most of the present Tamil Nadu, with Madurai as the Capital. Viswanatha Nayaka, who won the confidence of Vijayanagar emperor was made the ruler of Madurai territory. During this time the Meenakshi Temple was greatly expanded and some of the temple towers the Raja Gopurams and Teppakkulam tank were constructed.

Krishna Deva Raya was formally initiated into the Vaishnava Sampradaya by Vyasa Teertharu of Udipi and other Vedanta scholars of that time.

All the great rulers of the southern peninsula have paid homage to Lord Sri Venkateswara in this ancient shrine at Tirupati. The Pallavas of Kancheepuram, the Cholas of Thanjavur, the Pandyas of Madurai, and the kings and chieftains of Vijayanagar were devotees of the Lord and they competed with one another in endowing the temple with rich offerings and contributions. Krishna Deva Raya respected all sects of Hinduism and he lavished on the Tirumala Venkateswara Temple numerous objects of priceless value, ranging from diamond studded crowns to golden swords.

His devotion was at its peak when he issued 30,000 ‘special edition' gold coins, with which he had performed ‘Kanakabhishekam' to the presiding deity at Tirumala, as a thanksgiving on capturing the Udayagiri Fort, now in Nellore district, after defeating Prataparudra Gajapathi of Kalinga dynasty.

Additionally, he is known to have commissioned the making of statues of himself and his two wives and consorts installed at the portals of the temple.

It was during the rule of the Vijayanagar dynasty that the contributions to the temple increased. The characteristic feature of this period is the development of the temple complex: concentric series of rectangular enclosure walls with the gopuras (towered gateways) in the middle of each side. Of the numerous Vijayanagar complexes in southern India, the most magnificent ones are those at Kancheepuram, Tiruvannamalai and Vellore.

He not only marked the climax in the territorial expansion of the Vijayanagara Empire but was also remarkable for the encouragement and development of Arts and Letters. Himself an accomplished scholar, Raya was a generous patron of learning. “He was in no way less famous’, writes Krishna Sastri, ‘for his religious zeal’. He respected all sects of Hindu religion alike, though his personal leanings were in favor of Vaishnavism.

The rule of Krishna Deva Raya was an age of prolific literature in many languages, although it is also known as a golden age of Telugu literature. Many Telugu, Sanskrit, Kannada, and Tamil poets enjoyed the patronage of the emperor. Emperor Krishna Deva Raya was fluent in many languages including his mother tongue “Tulu”. He patronized poets and scholars in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, and Sanskrit.

The rule of Krishna Deva Raya was an age of prolific literature in many languages, although it is also known as a golden age of Telugu literature. Many Telugu, Sanskrit, Kannada, and Tamil poets enjoyed the patronage of the emperor.

In Sanskrit Krishna Deva Raya himself an accomplished scholar wrote Madalasa Charita, Satyavadu Parinaya and Rasamanjari and Jambavati Kalyana.

"Jambavati Kalyana" is a literary work that narrates the divine marriage of Lord Krishna and Jambavati, one of his principal queens. This story, often depicted in various Indian classical literature and scriptures, focuses on the events that lead to their marriage, showcasing the deep spiritual and divine elements embedded in Hindu mythology. It is celebrated for its depiction of devotion, love, and the divine play (leela) of Lord Krishna.

Sri Krishna Deva Raya wrote the book Amuktamalyada in Telugu, beautifully describing the pangs of separation suffered by Sri Andal (incarnation of Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi) for her lover Lord Vishnu. He describes Andal’s physical beauty in thirty verses; using descriptions of the spring and the monsoon as metaphors, and the sensual pleasure of union extends beyond the physical level and becomes a path to, and a metaphor for, spirituality and ultimate union with the divine.

One of the main characters is Periyalvar, the father of Andal. Lord Vishnu commands Periyalvar to teach a king of the Pandya dynasty the path of knowledge to moksha. Amuktamalyada is also known by the name Vishnu-chitteeyam, a reference to Vishnu-chittudu, the Telugu name of Vishnuchittar (Periyalwar). Several other short stories are included in Amuktamalyada in the main story of Godadevi, the Sanskrit name of Kothai Naachiyaar (Andal). Krishna Raya was also well-versed in Sanskrit, Tamil, and Kannada.

Eight poets known as Astakavidiggajalu or Ashtadiggajas (eight elephants in the eight cardinal points such as North, South etc.) were part of his court known as Bhuvana-vijayamu. According to the Vaishnavite religion it is believed that there are eight elephants in eight corners in space which hold the earth in its place. Similarly, these eight poets were the eight pillars of his literary assembly. Krishna Devaraya’s reign was the golden age of Telugu literature. The eight renowned poets include (1) Allasani Peddana, (2) Nandi Timmanna, (3) Madavyagiri Mallanna, (4) Dhurjati, (5) Ayyalaraju Ramabhadrudu, (6) Pingali Suranna, (7) Tenali Ramakrishna, and (8) Battumurty, also known as Rama Raja Bhushanudu.

Among these eight poets Allasani Peddana is the greatest and is given the title of Andhra Kavita Pitamaha (the father of Telugu poetry). Manu Charitramu is his popular Prabhanda work. "Manu Charitramu" delves into the story of Svarochisha Manu, intertwining themes of love, destiny, and divine intervention, showcasing Peddana's mastery in weaving complex narratives and his pivotal role in the Prabandha genre in Telugu literature.

This literary piece is renowned for its story that revolves around Lord Krishna's quest to obtain the divine Parijata tree from heaven to fulfill his queen Satyabhama's wish. Thimmana's narrative skillfully combines elements of devotion, valor, and the ethereal beauty of celestial realms, making it a significant contribution to Telugu literature and a testament to the vibrant cultural and spiritual life during Krishnadevaraya's reign.

Nandi Timmanna, also known as Mukku Timmana, is renowned for his contribution "Parijatapaharanamu" to Telugu literature. This classic work narrates the story of Lord Krishna's quest to obtain the celestial Parijata flower for his consort, Satyabhama. Reflecting Timmanna's mastery in portraying divine tales with elegance and wit, this work is a celebrated piece in the rich tapestry of Telugu literary heritage, underlining the cultural and spiritual ethos of the Vijayanagara Empire.

"Raja-sekhara Charitramu," authored by Madayyagiri Mallana, stands as a distinguished work in Telugu literature, composed during the era of the Vijayanagara Empire. This literary piece, celebrated for its narrative depth and cultural richness, vividly portrays the life and exploits of its protagonist, Rajasekhara, weaving together elements of romance, ethics, and statecraft. Madayyagiri Mallana, esteemed among the Ashtadiggajas at the court of King Krishnadevaraya, showcases his literary prowess through this work, contributing significantly to the golden age of Telugu literature.

"Kalahasti Mahatyamu" is a celebrated work by the poet Dhurjati, dedicated to the glory of the deity in the temple of Sri Kalahasteeswara in Kalahasti. This literary piece, written in Telugu, is part of the Bhakti movement literature, highlighting Dhurjati's devotion and the spiritual significance of Lord Shiva. It showcases Dhurjati's poetic brilliance and deep spiritual insights, contributing significantly to Telugu literature and the devotional literary tradition.

Ayyalaraju Ramabhadrudu wrote Rama-abhyuday-amu. "Rama-abhyuday-amu" is a notable work in the realm of Telugu literature, celebrating the life and virtues of Lord Rama. This piece stands as a testament to Ramabhadrudu's devotion and literary skill, offering readers a deep dive into the epic narrative of Rama's heroism, righteousness, and the triumph of good over evil, encapsulated within the rich tapestry of Telugu poetic tradition.

Pingali Surana wrote the still remarkable Raghava-pandaveey-amu, a dual work with double meaning built into the text, describing both the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

Tenali Ramakrishna, also known as Tenali Rama, is traditionally credited with authoring several works, the most famous being "Panduranga Mahatyam," which emphasizes devotion to Lord Vitthala (a form of Lord Krishna). His literary output reflects his wit, intelligence, and mastery in blending humor with wisdom.

Tenali Ramakrishna also first wrote Udbhataradhya Charitramu, a Saivite work and later wrote Vaishnava devotional texts Pandu-ranga Mahatmyamu, and Ghati-kachala Mahatmyamu.

Battumurty alias Rama-raja-bhushanudu wrote Kavya-lankara- sangrahamu, Vasu-charitramu, and Haris-chandrana-lopakhyanamu. Among these works the last one is a dual work which tells simultaneously the story of King Harischandra and Nala Damayanthi.

The period of the Empire is known as “Prabandha Period,” because of the quality of the prabandha literature produced during this time. Prabandha literature refers to a genre of narrative poetry in Indian literature, characterized by its elaborate style and thematic diversity, often combining elements of romance, heroism, and mythology within a structured framework. Originating in the ancient and medieval periods, it played a significant role in the development of literature in various Indian languages, including Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu, and Tamil. Prabandha works are notable for their intricate composition, lyrical beauty, and the integration of philosophical and ethical considerations, offering insights into the cultural, social, and religious life of their times.

Tenali Rama remains one of the most popular folk figures in India today, a quick-witted courtier ready even to outwit the all-powerful Emperor. Tenali Rama Krishna was also the court jester of whom there are innumerable stories for the children.

He patronized Kannada poets Mallanarya , Chatu Vitthalanatha, Timmanna Kavi

Mallanarya who wrote Veera-saivamrita, Bhava-chinta-ratna and Satyendra Chola-kathe, These works, celebrated for their contributions to Kannada literature, showcase Mallanarya's literary prowess and his role in the vibrant literary scene of his time.

Chatu Vitthalanatha is credited with translating the Bhagavata Purana into Kannada, making a significant contribution to Kannada literature and the Vaishnava bhakti movement. This work, comprising thousands of stanzas, covered the entire original version in the shatpadi metre and played a crucial role in spreading Vaishnavism's teachings.

Timmanna Kavi who wrote a eulogy of his king in Krishna Raya Bharata.

Vyasa Teertharu, also known as Vyasaraja or Vyasatirtharu, was a prominent Hindu saint and philosopher associated with the Dvaita school of Vedanta. He served as a Rajaguru in the court of the Vijayanagara Empire and made significant contributions to the Haridasa movement, composing many devotional songs in Kannada. His scholarly works and leadership in spiritual and cultural realms greatly influenced the Dvaita tradition and the broader socio-religious landscape of his time.

Krishna Deva Rayana Dinachari in Kannada, a recently discovered highlights the contemporary society during Krishna Deva Raya's time in his personal diary.

The reign of Krishnadevaraya was also remarkable for the encouragement and development of arts and letters. He constructed the famous Vittalaswami and Hazara Ramaswamy temples. A gopuram was added to the Virupaksha temple on the occasion of his coronation. He restored many shrines throughout South India.

Several towns, dams and public buildings were also constructed. Many festivals and ceremonies were held during the period of Krishnadevaraya. After Krishna Deva Raya, the great, Vijayanagara Empire started declining and almost ended following the battle of Talikot.

In 1524 he made his son Tirumalai Raya the Yuvaraja though the crown prince did not survive for long. He was poisoned to death. Suspecting the involvement of saluva Timmarasa, Krishna Deva Raya had his trusted commander and adviser blinded. At the same time, Krishnadevaraya was preparing for an attack on Belgaum that was in the Adil Shah’s possession; Krishnadevaraya took seriously ill. He died soon after in 1529. Before his death, he nominated his brother, Achyuta Deva Raya as his successor.

The rule of Krishnadevaraya was a glorious chapter in the history of Vijayanagara Empire. Even the ruins at Hampi tell the glorious tale of that mighty empire.

No single Muslim kingdom was capable to face the might of the Vijayanagar Empire. Hence all the five Muslim kingdoms - Henagar, Barer, Bidar, Bijapur Golconda and even the sufis of Bijapur got together under a ‘Jihad’ and attacked Vijayanagar, during 1565. The attack was brief and concentrated: The aftermath was the pillage of Vijayanagar, and the magnificence of Vijayanagar ended.