Kalpa Vriksha of Kali Yuga

The Fifth Delight

Shri Raghavendra Gurusarvabhauma

29. Venkatanatha's Upanayana Ceremony

As desired by Lakshminarasimhacharya, Venkatanambadevi, and their mother Gopamma, Gururaja Acharya began preparations to conduct the upanayana (sacred thread ceremony) of Venkatanatha with grandeur. The house was adorned with fresh limewash and colorful decorations. A large green canopy was erected at the front, beautifully decorated with mango-leaf toranas and banana stems. Venkatanamba and Kamaladevi meticulously managed all arrangements. Upon learning of the ceremony, relatives, family friends, and well-wishers gathered in Kaveripattanam to participate.

On the auspicious Vaishakha Shukla Chaturthi, the family commenced the event with the worship of their kuladevata (family deity), Lord Srinivasa, conducted with great splendor. Gururaja Acharya, along with Venkatanatha, took a ceremonial bath and sat on a green mat. Under the supervision and guidance of senior family members—Ramachandra Acharya, Narasimhacharya, Anandatirthacharya, and Lakshminarasimhacharya—Gururaja Acharya performed the punyahavachana (purification ritual), nandi shraddha, kuladevata puja, navagraha puja, and havan as per the traditional customs of the Paschika lineage, assisted by priests.

By midday, offerings were made to the deity, and flowers and betel leaves were distributed. Gururaja Acharya hosted a grand feast for all the assembled Brahmins and women, offering them generous gifts, dakshina, and betel leaves, which delighted the guests. Later, Vedic scholars blessed young Venkatanatha with auspicious Vedic mantras.

On the morning of Vaishakha Shukla Panchami of the Shubhakritu Samvatsara (year 1525 of the Shalivahana Shaka calendar), the auspicious ceremony began with the sound of mangala instruments. After applying oil and performing the mangala snana (ceremonial bath), Gururaja Acharya and his wife dressed Venkatanatha in turmeric-colored kaupina (loincloth) and fresh, clean garments. They seated him on a green mat to their right and proceeded with the upanayana rituals in strict accordance with Vedic traditions.

First, Venkatanatha was guided to perform achamana (ritual sipping of water) and a sankalpa (ritual intent) without chanting any mantras. Kamaladevi, acting as the maternal figure, had Venkatanatha offer dakshina (ritual gifts) to the Brahmins. Then, the young initiate underwent a purification ritual and was instructed to recite the mantra "Namassadase", followed by "Ashushe... Anugrihana", bowing respectfully to the assembly.

A three-strand sacred thread was presented, and while chanting the mantra "Navo Navo", Gururaja Acharya and Kamaladevi held it in their hands and placed it on Venkatanatha, completing the ritual with an achamana. After the yajnopavita (sacred thread) ceremony and devata puja, the thread and sandalwood paste were distributed to the Brahmins. The sacred thread Venkatanatha wore was touched by the Brahmins and held by Gururaja Acharya and his wife as they chanted the mantra "Yajnopavitam Paramam Pavitram", draping it on Venkatanatha. The ceremony concluded with auspicious arati performed by the married women.

Following this, Venkatanatha joined other young boys for the traditional Matru Bhojana (ritual meal fed by the mother). Gururaja Acharya personally guided Venkatanatha in performing the prokshana (sprinkling of water), parisecana (ritual cleansing), and the aposhana (drinking of purified water) rites. He then ensured Venkatanatha had a meal without salt or spices, symbolizing purity, and concluded it with the uttaraposhana ritual.

Later, as part of the Chaula Samskara (tonsure ceremony), Venkatanatha's hair was ritually shaved, leaving the traditional shikha (tuft of hair). After a ceremonial bath, he donned the kaupina (loincloth) and urdhva pundra (vertical marks on the forehead), appearing resplendent. Gururaja Acharya seated his brother on a darbha asana (seat of sacred grass) and had married women bring the sacred fire. With the mantra "Ayurda Deva Jara Sangrinano", Venkatanatha offered a samidha (wooden offering) into the fire.

The ritual continued with Venkatanatha standing on a grinding stone placed to the north of the fire as the mantra "Atishtemam Ashanam" was recited. He circumambulated the fire under the guidance of Gururaja Acharya, who then sprinkled water on him while reciting "Revateesta" and clothed him in a yellow garment. With the mantra "Paridam Vaso", Venkatanatha donned the sacred thread, and "Iyam Durattat" was chanted as the mouji mekhalas (sacred girdle) were tied around his waist. Using the mantra "Mitrasya Chakshuhu", a Krishnajina (deer-skin piece) was tied to the sacred thread.

With the mantra "Agantara", Venkatanatha circumambulated the fire again and stood facing west. Gururaja Acharya, holding a pot of water, recited "Samudra Dhoormi" and poured the water into Venkatanatha's cupped hands as part of the arghya pradana (water offering). This water was then sprinkled three times over his head, and while the priests chanted protective mantras for fire, soma, and other eleven deities, Venkatanatha performed the hasta pradarsana (hand display) to the sacred fire, signifying the culmination of the Upanayana rituals.

After that, holding a curtain for privacy and reciting the Mangalashtaka, Gururaja Acharya embraced Venkatanatha and seated him on the ceremonial seat, facing east. He placed his right hand on Venkatanatha’s right shoulder and chanted the mantra "Suprajaa Prajayaa Bhooyaasam" while Venkatanatha, as instructed by the priest, recited "Brahmacharyam Agam".

Following this, Gururaja Acharya held Venkatanatha's right hand and asked, "Naamasi". Venkatanatha replied, "Yajna Sharma Naamaasmi". Then, when Gururaja asked, "Kasya Brahmacharyasi", Venkatanatha answered, "Praanasya Brahmacharyam", signifying his spiritual vow.

Next, Venkatanatha recited the mantra "Addanaam Addapate", and was seated facing the sacred fire. As the mantras "Yoge Yogetavastharam" were chanted, he offered ghee into the fire nine times as part of the homa (sacred fire offering). A special Jayaadi Homa, consisting of 58 mantras beginning with "Chittam Cha Swaha Chittakhidam Na Mama", was conducted to ensure the prosperity of the ritual. After performing Pranayama (breath control), an Avijnata Prayashchitta Homa (atonement for unknown errors) was also performed.

A darbha (sacred grass) cushion was placed under Venkatanatha for seating, and the mantra "Rashtrabhadhasya Acharya" was chanted. Afterward, Venkatanatha rose and performed Paadapooja (feet worship) for his mother Gopamma, Gururaja Acharya, his wife Kamaladevi, and other elders and relatives. He then folded his hands in supplication and requested his brother, "Savitreem Bho Anubravi", to initiate him into the sacred knowledge.

With the elders’ consent, Gururaja Acharya seated Venkatanatha on his right thigh, and, following approval from the assembly, covered both of them with a sacred cloth to signify the sanctity of the occasion. He then initiated Venkatanatha with Brahmopadesha, the sacred teaching of divine mantras.

First, Gururaja instructed Venkatanatha in the Gayatri Dhyana Shloka:

"Dhyeyassadaa Savitrumandala Madhyavarti Narayanah Sarasijaasana Sannivishtah | Keyuravan Makarakundalavaan Kiriti Haari Hiranyamaya Vapuh Dhritashankhachakrah ||"

He then taught him the Gayatri mantra in segments—Pada (part by part), Ardha (half), and Purna (full) recitations:

"Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah Tatsavitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat ||"

Additionally, Gururaja imparted the Ashtakshara mantra of Sri Narayana and the Guru mantra, completing the sacred initiation.

Afterward, Venkatanatha recited the mantra "Avridhamaasau", touched his lips for purification, performed achamana (ritual sipping of water), and touched his ears with his hands. He then recited the mantra "Brahmanaa Aaneestaa", held the Palasha Danda (sacred staff), and began chanting, "Skrutam Cha Me Smrutam Cha Me", continuingup to "Sarvavrato Bhooyaasam", as instructed by Gururaja Acharya. After offering his oblation, he recited the mantra "Devasya Tva Savituh" and bowed to his elder brother. Gururaja Acharya then chanted "Udaayusha" and lifted Venkatanatha up, embracing him and blessing him, saying, "O Vatu (celibate student), may you excel in Vedic studies, scriptural learning, and interpretative explanations."

Next, Gururaja Acharya taught Venkatanatha the procedure for Samidadhana (firewood offering), and the Agnikarya (fire rituals) were performed. Venkatanatha then recited the mantras starting from "Yatte Ashte Tejastena Aham Tejasvee Bhooyaasam", continuing to "Mayisuro Bhrajodadatu", and completed the rituals. He moved to the northern side of the sacred fire, received protection (Raksha), and invoked the mantra "Manastoke", chanting blessings while anointing Raksha (protective marks) on his forehead and other parts of the body. He prayed to the fire deity with the mantra "Swastishraddha Medham", and, touching his ears with both hands, proclaimed:

"May there be prosperity and well-being for all beings, including the sacred cows and Brahmins, extending to the four seas. I, Venkatanatha Sharma, a follower of the Gautama Gotra, belonging to the lineage of Angirasa, Ayasya, and Gautama sages, and a student of the Apasthamba Sutra of the Yajur Veda, offer my respectful salutations."

Subsequently, Gururaja Acharya formally administered the Brahmacharya discipline with the sixfold interpretation of its responsibilities. Following this, Venkatanatha received Matru Bhiksha (sacred begging) from his mother Gopamma and his sister-in-law Kamaladevi by reciting "Bhavati Bhikshaam Dehi."

After offering Phalapooja (fruit worship), Gururaja Acharya and Venkatanatha presented sandalwood paste, garlands, fruits, betel leaves, and dakshina (offerings) to Sri Narasimhacharya, the representative of the Srimath, accompanied by the Vedic mantra "Na Karmanaa" and the recitation of the Srimath’s titles and the Guru’s name. They received blessings in return. Finally, fruits, betel leaves, and dakshina were distributed to all Brahmins and married women (Sumangalis) present, marking the completion of the ceremony.

At that time, Narasimhacharya presented the gifts and sacred offerings sent by the two Gurus to Gururaja Acharya, his wife, and Venkatanatha, blessing them. Subsequently, numerous relatives, friends, and well-wishers also offered their gifts.

Following the traditions of the Yajurveda, Gururaja Acharya taught Venkatanatha the Madhyahnika Sandhya (midday prayer) and guided him through its practice. Later, a grand feast was arranged. Before the Brahmins gathered for the meal, Venkatanatha approached five of them and respectfully requested alms with the phrase "Bhavan Bhikshan Dadatu" and accepted their offerings. After the feast and receiving blessings from the Brahmins, Gururaja Acharya and others joined the meal. During this time, Acharya explained the procedures of Parisechana (purification ritual), Chitravati offering, and Pranahuti (life force offering) to his younger brother. The meal concluded with all participants satisfied.

In the evening, Venkatanatha was taught the evening Sandhyavandana and Agnikarya (fire rituals), which he performed with diligence. Now officially authorized to begin his Vedic studies, Venkatanatha participated in the evening Aratrikshate ceremony, which was conducted with great grandeur. Thus, the Upanayana (sacred thread ceremony) of Venkatanatha was successfully completed as per the Vedic traditions.

After the celebrations ended, Lakshminarasimhacharya, Ramachandracharya, Gopamma, Gururaja Acharya, and Venkatanatha sat together, engaging in delightful discussions about Gururaja's advanced studies and Venkatanatha's future Gurukula residence. Following consultations, and based on Lakshminarasimhacharya and Ramachandracharya's advice, as well as the directives of Sri Vijayindra Guru, it was decided that:

1. Venkatanatha would reside in Madurai under the care of his elder sister and her husband, Lakshminarasimhacharya, and pursue his studies at the Vidyapeetha (learning center).

2. Gururaja Acharya and his wife would remain at Kumbakonam with their mother, Gopamma, under the guidance of the Sri Matha, studying advanced subjects like Nyaya (logic), Mimamsa, and Vedanta.

Lakshminarasimhacharya assured them, saying, "By the grace of Sri Hari, Vayu, and the Gurus, and with their blessings, I currently serve as the chief scholar of the royal court in Madurai and head the Vidyapeetha's department for Nyaya and Vedanta. I will personally ensure Venkatanatha's education and transform him into a great scholar. Do not worry about his future, Gururaja! Meanwhile, you should study deeply under Sri Sudhindra Guru, earn the title of a great scholar, and bring glory as a court scholar and teacher at the Vidyapeetha. Once Venkatanatha completes his education, all of you can reunite and live happily."

Gopamma, addressing her sons, said, "Our revered Gurus are the well-wishers and protectors of our lineage. Follow their guidance and the counsel of your brothers-in-law for your development and progress."

With everything settled, Ramachandracharya promised to convey these decisions to the Gurus at Kumbakonam and departed for the Matha.

In an auspicious moment, Lakshminarasimhacharya, along with Venkatamba and Venkatanatha, began their journey to Madurai. Before their departure, Gururaja Acharya handed over their father's Veena (musical instrument) to Venkatanatha, advising him never to abandon his Veena practice. After escorting them to the outskirts of the village, the family bid a heartfelt farewell. Gururaja Acharya returned home, content and at peace.