Kalpa Vriksha of Kali Yuga

The Fifth Delight

Shri Raghavendra Gurusarvabhauma

12. Shelter for Scholars

At the Vidyamatha in Kumbakonam, Sri Vijayindra Tirtha was teaching his disciples and devotees the secrets of devotion to the Lord, explaining the divine nature of Padmanabha, the origin of Chaturanana Brahma, the creator of the universe, and elaborating on the playful divine acts of Sri Narayana.

At the same time, Kanakachalacharya, accompanied by his son Timmanna and a few scholars, arrived and prostrated before the Guru. Seeing Acharya, Sri Vijayindra smiled warmly and said, “Welcome, dear Kanakachalacharya! This handsome young boy must be your son Timmanna, isn’t he? How much he has grown!”

Kanakachalacharya, folding his hands respectfully, replied, “Revered Guru, it is my good fortune that you have not forgotten this humble disciple. It is remarkable that you still recognize Timmanna, whom you last saw when he was just three years old!”

With a serene demeanor, the Guru responded, “How could we forget someone like you, who is both a disciple and a beloved family member of our Gurus? Acharya, could the fall of Vijayanagara be the reason for your arrival here?”

Kanakachalacharya, with a heavy heart, answered, “Swami, after Aliya Ramaraja fell in the Battle of Talikota, the Kannada Empire was shattered by the invasion of ruthless enemies. Even now, the memory of those events sends shivers down my spine. With the fall of Vijayanagara, scholars and artists became destitute. Unable to face the chaos, I left the city with my wife, children, and these scholars. After enduring immense hardship and losses, we have finally arrived here by the grace of the divine. Now, we humbly seek your refuge and blessings!”

Hearing Kanakachalacharya’s words, Sri Vijayindra Tirtha became deeply moved, and tears welled up in his eyes. Wiping them away and sighing deeply, he said,

“Acharya, countless empires have vanished into the abyss of time’s grasp. As it is said, ‘Nothing moves without the will of the divine.’ It is beyond our control. Even though our Kannada Empire no longer shines with the strength and splendor of its past, I firmly believe that it will once again rise and flourish in South India.

As for your concern about refuge, why does Srimadacharya’s Mahasamsthana exist if not for scholars like you? Until proper arrangements are made, you and your family may stay here at the Matha comfortably. We will soon ensure that everything is well-organized for everyone’s welfare.”

Overjoyed by this assurance, Kanakachalacharya and his companions expressed their gratitude, saying, “Your gracious words have blessed us, Swami. We are forever indebted to you.”

Turning to Kanakachalacharya with a smile, Vijayindra continued, “I hear that you have attained extraordinary mastery in Veena playing. Wonderful! Today is the festival of Anantapadmanabha. Let your Veena performance accompany the worship ceremony. Have you also encouraged your son, Timmanna, to practice the Veena?”

Lowering his head modestly, Kanakachalacharya replied, “Swami, I am not worthy to perform Veena in the presence of a great soul like you. Still, as per your command, I will humbly present whatever I have learned. With your blessings, Timmanna has also been practicing Veena diligently. Ever since you personally guided him during his Aksharabhyasa, he has been progressing in poetry, literature, the Vedas, and the sciences of Nyaya and Vedanta. I request that you kindly instruct him further in these disciplines and guide his growth.”

Sri Vijayindra Tirtha, placing his hand on Timmanna’s head, said, “Timmanna’s well-being and progress are now my responsibility. Do not worry. I will ensure his future. Are you happy now?”

Overwhelmed with joy, Kanakachalacharya expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

Following this, the Guru turned his attention to the worship ceremony.

Sri Vijayindra Tirtha immersed himself in the worship of Sri Moola Rama and, as per tradition, also performed rituals for Sri Anantapadmanabha Deva. In front of him, Kanakachalacharya and Timmanna began playing the Veena. The hall resonated with divine melodies as they performed exquisite compositions in ragas like Hamsadhwani, Mohana, Kalyani, Dhanashree, and Ramapriya, enchanting everyone present.

Afterward, young Timmanna performed a detailed Bhairavi raga, beginning with an elaborate alapana. The melodic waves from the Veena flowed like a divine river, captivating all who listened. As he transitioned into the tana, the audience marveled at the beauty and perfection of the music. It seemed as though the deity of the raga had taken form, enchanting and enthralling everyone with each note emanating from the Veena.

As Timmanna began playing the Pallavi on the Veena, it turned out to be a beautiful composition dedicated to Sri Vijayindra, who was engrossed in the worship of Sri Moola Rama-Padmanabha Deva. Hearing the piece, Sri Vijayindra smiled gently, clearly pleased. The young boy played the Pallavi with the refrain:

“Kamalanabha Moola Rama Vijayindra Nuta Vandipe!”

With innovative melodic arrangements, intricate gamakas, and seamless transitions, Timmanna’s Veena playing filled the atmosphere with a divine fragrance of music, bringing supreme joy to all present. After completing the Pallavi and concluding with a Mangala, Timmanna ended his performance.

The audience was astounded by the 14- or 15-year-old boy’s extraordinary talent, which rivaled even that of great scholars and musicians. Everyone applauded him enthusiastically. Sri Vijayindra, delighted, nodded in approval with a smile, expressing his joy.

After completing the worship ceremony, the Guru distributed Tirtha Prasada and threads of blessings from Anantapadmanabha Deva to everyone. Following lunch, the Guru called for Kanakachalacharya and Timmanna. Bringing the young boy closer, he gently patted his back and said,

“Child, your Veena performance was unparalleled. The goddess of learning has truly blessed you. From today, you are my disciple. May you live a long and prosperous life, my child.”

Hearing this, Kanakachalacharya was overwhelmed with joy.

Later that evening, Sri Vijayindra arranged suitable positions and accommodations for the scholars who had accompanied Kanakachalacharya, ensuring they could lead a peaceful life dedicated to learning. The scholars expressed their gratitude and prostrated before the Guru.

Addressing Kanakachalacharya, the Guru said, “Acharya, at the request of the disciples and devotees in Kaveripattana, we plan to establish a Samsatha Vidyapeetha (academic institution) there. The people of the region need guidance in studies ranging from basic education to advanced scriptures. We believe you are the right person for this responsibility. Arrangements for the Vidyapeetha will be made by our officials and the local villagers. You must reside there with your wife and dedicate yourself to the work of spreading knowledge.

Timmanna will stay here with us. I will personally take responsibility for his education and ensure his development. On the auspicious day of Ashwina Shukla Vijaya Dashami, which is also Srimadacharya’s Jayanti, begin your teaching at the Vidyapeetha.”

With this directive, a few days later, the Guru provided Kanakachalacharya and his wife with Phala Mantrakshata (blessings with fruit and sacred rice) and other valuable items, blessing them before sending them to Kaveripattana with the Matha's officials.

Initially, young Timmanna, separated from his parents for the first time, felt distressed and homesick. However, gradually, under the affectionate care, love, and attention of Sri Vijayindra, he grew attached to the Guru. Devotedly serving the Guru, Timmanna immersed himself in the study of Nyaya (logic), Vedanta, and other scriptures, becoming a recipient of Sri Vijayindra’s boundless grace and blessings.

In Kumbakonam, hundreds of scholars and artists regularly came to debate with Sri Vijayindra Tirtha in various fields of knowledge and arts. However, they were invariably defeated by the Guru’s unmatched wisdom and skill. Among these notable figures were Sri Appayya Dikshita, Sri Bhattoji Dikshita, and others, who held prominent positions in Advaita scholarship.

Despite their defeat, Sri Vijayindra treated these scholars with great respect, honoring them and sending them away content with generous gifts and rewards. Similarly, hundreds of artists who challenged the Guru in the 64 arts were also defeated, witnessing his unparalleled mastery.

Young Timmanna, observing these events closely, developed immense devotion and reverence for Sri Vijayindra Tirtha. He felt proud and blessed to be in the company of such a remarkable Guru, cherishing the opportunity to be a recipient of his love and guidance.